Italiani, brava gente

Mentre in Italia c'è chi piange la morte del tagliagole, a Bagdad il blogger Mohammed Fadhil, in un post finito tra gli editoriali del Wall Street Journal di oggi, cita la frase, perfetta nella sua crudezza e semplicità, di un commentatore iracheno:

«I used to be against killing people because of their perverted opinions or their anti-freedom doings but after I have seen and lived through their terrorism and anti-humanity extremism I say now that the only solution is to end the life of those who are not even humans. They poison the minds and thoughts of sane people.
People, let the world live in freedom and happiness…
I say it to all the sane and rational people; congratulations on the death of Zarqawi».

Chiosa Fadhil:
«I couldn't agree more, so if you are sane, come celebrate the moment with us, but if not, get prepared to mourn more demons».

Fosse per l'attuale governo italiano, questo qui sarebbe già morto da un pezzo.

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